Toothache during pregnancy – what to do? How to soothe it?

Ból zęba w ciąży – co robić Jak go uśmierzyć

Toothache during pregnancy is a fairly common symptom, although it does not affect all women. Even though combating it is difficult, it does not mean that the problem can be completely ignored.

Do teeth hurt during pregnancy?

Toothache does not necessarily have to be directly related to pregnancy, although there are some connections. Frequent vomiting may be one of the causes of pain. The acidic content of the stomach damages the enamel and increases the risk of caries. It also affects already damaged teeth, which causes pain.

Certain hormonal changes can also lower the pain threshold or increase the risk of acute inflammation in the mouth. However, it is not true that in certain trimesters of pregnancy, toothache is more likely to occur than in others. This is an individual matter and pain can occur in any trimester of pregnancy.

Is toothache during pregnancy dangerous?

It might seem that the toothache itself is not dangerous during pregnancy. However, there are isolated cases of preterm birth associated with the stress caused by toothache. Even the slightest risk of miscarriage requires urgent intervention, even if the probability of such an event occurring is almost zero.

Above all, however, it should be remembered that toothache during pregnancy results in most cases from tooth damage. This is where problems arise. If an untreated infection develops during pregnancy (as the effect of negligence in the treatment of caries) there may be more serious consequences. From the low birth weight of the child, through the weakening of its immune system, we cannot forget that untreated caries affect not only the health of the child but also the mother.

Tooth and gum pain during pregnancy – what to do?

While there are some home remedies to relieve toothache during pregnancy, the most important thing is to identify the causes of the ailment. This requires a dental appointment. Even if it is not possible to start treatment at a given moment, usually something can be done to reduce pain and protect the tooth during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Pregnancy can cause tooth sensitivity or bleeding gums due to certain hormonal changes. If these are episodic changes, they should not become a source of more serious problems. However, if infection with cariogenic bacteria occurs, the situation will become more serious.

The diagnosis and determination of the causes of pain carried out by a dentist will also allow for the selection of appropriate remedies that have the least negative impact on the mother and child.

Why should you undergo dental treatment?

Since untreated dental and gum diseases can have serious consequences for the mother and child, undergoing dental treatment is recommended in those situations where this is possible. The necessary minimum that can be done is to establish a plan for possible treatment and spread the treatments over time.

If left untreated, the infection can progress and cause further consequences: gum swelling, unpleasant odor, and loosening of the teeth. Sometimes, patients who do not undergo treatment during pregnancy later experience gangrenous decay, advanced gingivitis, and massive foci of caries that could have been previously prevented.

Home remedies for toothache during pregnancy

If you cannot see your dentist right away, it is a good idea to try home remedies for toothache during pregnancy. There are several of them and you usually need to test a few to find the one that works for you.

●     Cold compresses

A cold compress applied to the cheek will reduce inflammation in the mouth, reduce swelling and reduce the sensitivity of nerves. This method is quite comfortable and used universally. It is quite effective, but you need to think ahead and prepare an ice cube or gel compress in advance. Be sure not to apply compresses or ice directly to the skin.

●     Mouth rinse

Brine, sage infusion, or other herbs with astringent and gentle disinfectant effects are used for such purposes. Although infusions are quite effective, they, unfortunately, require a longer use (e.g., several days of use). Some herbal anesthetics may be used, but those that contain salicylates or salicylic acid should be avoided.

Treatment of toothache during pregnancy with home remedies has limited effectiveness, but it is safer than taking medication. The first thing you should do is contact your dentist for a proper diagnosis of the causes of your toothache.

Is it possible to take painkillers to relieve toothache during pregnancy?

It is not recommended to take painkillers during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Among the standard NSAIDs used, paracetamol at normal doses is considered safe. However, it is still better to consult your doctor before taking the drug, especially if you daily take other drugs or supplements that could cause unforeseen interactions.

As a basic rule, anesthetics should not be taken during pregnancy. Prophylactically, teeth whitening or even root canal treatment should also be postponed if possible.

What medications can be used during pregnancy?

Paracetamol is considered safe during pregnancy, but it is still recommended to use it only as a last resort. However, drugs with salicylic acid should be avoided.

Many drugs do not permanently affect the development of the fetus but can lead to local complications or temporary physiological disturbances. Pregnancy is a period in which a lot happens in the body and the selection of painkillers requires a doctor consultation.

Is a dental X-ray safe during pregnancy?

Theoretically, there are ways to protect the fetus from radiation during X-rays, but there is also evidence of the harmfulness of X-rays, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. So, if possible, the imaging will be postponed until after the delivery, and if an image needs to be taken, increased precautions will be taken. Remember to inform your dentist that you are pregnant, even if it is just a routine oral check-up, so they can protect your baby from radiation during the X-ray.

How to take care of your dental health during pregnancy?

Taking care of dental health during pregnancy comes down primarily to the implementation of hygiene recommendations.

  • Rinsing your mouth with water or brushing your teeth after every meal is the absolute minimum. However, remember about sticking to the correct brushing technique. Otherwise, bacteria and plaque will remain on the teeth, but you will still irritate the gums.
  • It is worth using dental floss, which allows you to clean the interdental spaces where the brush bristles no longer reach.
  • An excellent complement to oral hygiene will be the use of an irrigator, which can effectively remove not only food residues but also plaque from the gum pockets.
  • If you use topical decongestants or mucosal medications daily, consult your dentist to determine if they are safe to use.
  • If the dental condition requires regular visits to the dentist, set a schedule accordingly, because it may be worth postponing planned treatments to avoid complications.
  • Do not avoid regular check-ups with your dentist. Even if the planned treatment can only take place after childbirth, the condition of the oral cavity will be monitored on an ongoing basis.

Take care of your teeth even during pregnancy!

There are many pregnant women among our clients. We carry out prophylaxis and, if necessary, conservative dentistry procedures within the oral cavity. The health of the child and the mother is always our priority, and this is what we have in mind when preparing dental treatment plans. Book an appointment and we will conduct a review, determine the causes of the toothache and decide together how to deal with them.