Diagnostic imaging helps in dental treatment planning. X-rays are particularly helpful because they allow us to non-invasively look under the soft tissues and examine the mutual alignment of all teeth.
Taking an X-ray image seems simple, but for it to be truly helpful in planning root canal treatment, tooth extraction, or implant procedures, it needs to be done per applicable standards.
We have modern X-ray imaging equipment, giving a precise and clear image. Our staff are professionals when it comes to the interpretation and description of images. Every one of them can become a safe starting point for planning further treatment.
It is an image showing all teeth and bone structures of the mandible, jaw, and temporomandibular joints. This important part of the initial diagnosis of all patients will usually be recommended by the dentist every 2-3 years as part of standard precautions. It is sometimes described as a panoramic photo. In children from the age of 7, it should be treated as a routine element of dental disease prevention.
It is particularly important from the point of view of a patient preparing for orthodontic treatment. It allows you to assess the orientation of many important craniofacial structures and plan the procedure in a way giving the expected result.
Dental X-rays are helpful, but high-speed CT scans, taking a whole series of point images, were a breakthrough in digital RadioVisioGraphy. CT scans are used when planning a multistage treatment or when a standard dental X-ray does not answer all questions. Dental tomography allows for a much better image of the three-dimensional arrangement of teeth and other tissues than conventional X-rays. It is by far the greatest strength of this diagnostic method.
Intraoral X-ray image of a single tooth allows for precise examination of the spatial orientation of deep caries foci or recognition of the location of root canals. Imaging of tissues adjacent to a particular tooth allows the dentist to plan painless and very precise procedures. Single tooth image is taken when the lesions are difficult to assess by another method, but it is also performed in cases of patients who, for example, complain of toothache but there is no visible external damage.
Radiological diagnosis is painless and completely safe if patients are under the care of qualified personnel. In our office, we perform full X-ray imaging of teeth as part of prophylaxis, conservative dentistry, and as part of orthodontic, implantological, and prosthetic diagnostics. Our office is equipped with modern equipment that allows us to obtain a clear image with a minimum dose of radiation, and an experienced dentist will be able to precisely plan the treatment of every tooth on this basis. Book an appointment and we will choose the right imaging method and take care of the comfortable and safe course of the whole procedure.
HCentrum Stomatologiczne Jasińscy is a member of the prestigious organization, Leading Implants Centers, which brings together the best implant offices in Europe.