Root-end surgery – What is it? Indications, price.

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Root-end surgery is a dental treatment procedure performed where other methods have failed. It is an invasive but safe procedure, and above all, it allows many patients to avoid the necessity of tooth extraction.

What is root-end surgery (apicoectomy)?

Root-end surgery is a surgical procedure that allows your doctor to remove the affected root tip of a permanent or deciduous tooth. This procedure is performed when endodontic treatment is impossible or unsuccessful.

Indications for root-end surgery

Root-end surgery is performed when:

  • due to the physical location of the tooth root, it is not possible to carry out effective endodontic treatment;
  • root canal treatment carried out earlier turned out to be ineffective and caries continues to develop in the area of the tip of the root
  • when X-rays show a longitudinal fracture of the tooth root posing a risk of complications;
  • caries develop in multi-rooted teeth, with a structure potentially reducing the effectiveness of root canal treatment.

Root-end surgery is also sometimes performed when periapical periodontitis develops and the dentist assesses that root-end surgery is necessary to resolve it.

Contraindications to root-end surgery

Like any procedure, root-end surgery is subject to certain contraindications. The dentist decides in which case treatment is possible, but in every case, the patient’s consent is of course also necessary.

  • General health or ongoing disease processes, in particular infectious diseases, but also some diseases of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, diabetes, and in women also pregnancy may be a contraindication to perform treatment in the root canal.
  • Weakened bones or atrophy of the bone surrounding the tooth root. In these cases, dental surgery can significantly weaken the tooth structure or cause tooth loss while impeding subsequent implant placement.
  • Proximity to maxillary sinuses. Dental surgery is not performed if there is a risk of sinus damage and secondary infection with caries bacteria.

How is the procedure of root-end surgery performed?

  1. The dentist must perform a detailed diagnosis not only of a single tooth but also of tissues in the area of the root itself. This will require several X-rays.
  2. The patient will be informed about the planned course of treatment. At this stage, the dentist will also conduct an interview to appropriately adjust the procedure to the individual case.
  3. Before the procedure, local anesthesia is administered in the area of the treated tooth.
  4. After preparing the patient, the dentist opens the tissue around the affected tooth. This is done by making a small incision in the gum and opening the operated area.
  5. The dentist performs a root resection. This stage may take a long time, as in some cases particularly precise tissue operation is necessary.
  6. The root canals will then be cleaned and disinfected. The doctor cleans the cavity with special tools while filling the root canal requires the use of dedicated substances.
  7. The dentist will stitch up the gum, check the correctness of the closure and inform the patient about the further steps.

Post-treatment recommendations:

  • Diet change: temporary exclusion of low or high temperature, hard or spicy food. The reason for it is not to irritate or burden the affected tissues.
  • Restriction of physical activity: it is recommended not to engage in intense physical activity for 24-72 hours.
  • Restricting the use of stimulants: Also, do not smoke or consume alcohol for at least 24 hours, as this may interfere with the healing process.
  • Adequate oral hygiene: regular oral hygiene should be carried out within the oral cavity, omitting only the operated area right after the procedure.

If the patient takes medication, they should take the prescribed medication regularly. In rare cases, antibiotic therapy may also be recommended, although this happens during the follow-up appointment and not routinely after the procedure. If the patient experiences pain, they can use basic painkillers.

Root-end surgery – healing time

The healing time after root-end surgery may vary depending on many factors, such as the patient’s age, health, location of the tooth, and the size of the postoperative wound. However, usually, complete healing after root-end surgery takes about 2-3 weeks.

Root-end surgery – pricing

Depending on the complexity of the operation or reputation and the dentist’s experience, root-end surgery may cost between PLN 500 and PLN 1500.

Root-end surgery in HCentrum

Root-end surgery allows you to get rid of pain and save the tooth, which would otherwise have to be extracted. Book an appointment with the HCentrum today and find out the benefits you can gain from root-end surgery. Meet the experts who will perform the procedure and find out what it will look like in your case.


●     What kind of anesthesia is used during root-end surgery?

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Dentists have a choice of several anesthetics and choose them according to the key of effectiveness, the planned time of the procedure, or the patient’s sensitivity. You can always obtain information about specific measures directly from your dentist before the procedure.

●     How long does the root-end surgery take?

Most patients can leave the dentist’s chair in 30 minutes, sometimes within an hour. However, it should be remembered that in some cases the time needed to complete a tooth resection may be longer.

●     How long is the recovery period after root-end surgery?

Full healing should not last longer than 3 weeks. Usually after a week, the patient ceases to experience symptoms associated with it. However, some diseases, including blood clotting disorders or thyroid diseases, may prolong this time.

●     What pains should I expect to experience after root-end surgery?

Some patients only experience discomfort, while others complain of slightly stronger pain. However, it usually disappears on its own after a few days at the latest, if inflammation does not develop. In such a case, you should book a dental consultation.

●     When can I return to work after a root-end surgery?

If it is office work, the next day after the procedure. Only hard manual work may be inadvisable for a few to a dozen or so days depending on the progress of the healing process.

●    Can the root-end surgery be performed in just one visit or several visits?

Usually, root-end surgery is performed in a single visit, but if the procedure is more difficult, the dentist may decide to carry out the procedure in several stages.

●     What are the alternatives to root-end surgery?

There are no treatments that are a complete alternative to resection. In simpler cases, repeated endodontic treatment with better prosthetic restoration may be a solution. It is also possible to extract the entire tooth, and in isolated cases, if the infection is not advanced, pharmacological treatment may be attempted. However, none of these methods can fully replace root-end surgery.