Conservative dentistry

Conservative dentistry Gdansk

Conservative dentistry, also sometimes called general dentistry, is the basic scope of care for the health of teeth and the entire oral cavity. Hygienization procedures and various methods of conservative treatment, i.e., most often caries removal and cavities filling are all part of conservative dentistry.

HCentrum Stomatologiczne Jasińscy
Stomatologia zachowawcza Gdańsk HCentrum

Why should you use our services?

Conservative dentistry, although it includes procedures that may seem basic, requires a lot of commitment, extensive knowledge, and experience. Such features allow the dentist to choose the treatment and prophylactic methods following the expectations of patients. HCentrum Stomatologiczne Jasińscy employs eminent specialists who understand that conservative dentistry is the first stage of caring for the health and aesthetics of a smile.

We have very modern equipment, which from the very beginning, often during just a single visit, allows us to repair some minor damage to the teeth and ensure maximum effectiveness of treatment procedures.

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What is conservative dentistry?

Conservative dentistry is a branch of dentistry that, as the name suggests, focuses on maintaining the health of the patient’s teeth. Sometimes it means the need to focus on prophylaxis, other times basic hygienic procedures to prevent the development of caries (its formation is promoted by plaque, deposits, and tartar that can be removed), and sometimes it is necessary to fill cavities or treat, for example, deeply damaged teeth.

Comprehensive treatment is included in conservative dentistry. At this stage, it is also worth catching various disturbing symptoms in the oral cavity. Not all diseases are immediately manifested by toothache. Sometimes tartar build-up or early stages of gum disease are not troublesome but can be managed with minimal patient discomfort thanks to conservative dentistry.

What is tooth decay?

Caries is the most common dental disease – it affects over 90% of people. Its essence is enamel demineralization, and this is due to the bacteria’s activity. These bacteria are generally an important part of the oral microbiota, but under certain conditions, they multiply faster and generate more acids that damage the teeth. As demineralization progresses, the structure of the teeth weakens. Although it is not true that tooth decay arises only through neglect of hygiene procedures, poor oral hygiene is the most serious risk factor.

Caries are classified according to various criteria. In conservative dentistry, it makes a difference whether caries are deep, superficial, or hidden, how many teeth have been affected by the disease, or even at what rate the disease progresses. Although this division may seem quite academic, an excellent dentist takes these criteria into account to develop an individual treatment and prevention plan.

The fact that some types of caries in specific classifications seem less dangerous does not mean that they can be underestimated with a clear conscience. At most, this is an indication of how difficult the treatment will be, how many visits will be needed and what are the chances that patients will regain a healthy smile.

Services in the field of conservative dentistry we offer

Preventive appointments

In conservative dentistry, proper prophylaxis is of particular importance, and it also includes a professional approach to daily oral hygiene. To enjoy a healthy smile, you should brush your teeth properly, schedule certain hygienic procedures regularly, and control your dental health. Oral health inspections, although they seem trivial, are extremely important in conservative dentistry.

Treatment of carious cavities

Depending on the size and depth of the lesions, either superficial methods can be used, or deeper lesions can be cleaned and secured. Special fillings allow for maintaining the natural appearance of teeth, and their full efficiency, but above all limit the further development of carious foci.

Treatment of hypersensitivity

Dentin hypersensitivity occurs as a result of exposure of nerve endings or damage to the outer layers of the teeth, which allows irritation of the deeper nerves. Proper protection of such exposed teeth allows you to regain comfort, and then protect against tooth decay, which can be an extreme consequence of negligence in this matter.

Scaling and sandblasting

Scaling and sandblasting allow you to get rid of scale and plaque under which carious foci may form. Correct performance of these procedures requires good equipment and skills in using them, but it is worth scheduling them regularly to take care of the full health of teeth and gums.

What is the risk of ignoring carious lesions?

Carious lesions, if they progress, can in extreme cases lead to tooth decay. It should also be remembered that caries, as a bacterial disease, can spread to other teeth. When carious foci become quite deep, they are accompanied by severe pain, which seriously hinders the daily functioning of patients. Gum disease is also associated with caries, and is now thought to be correlated with an increased risk of heart attacks, neurological incidents, or pregnancy pathologies.

Conservative dentistry – fees

We prepare a detailed cost estimate individually for every patient after the consultation with a doctor.

Conservative dentistry at HCentrum

HCentrum Stomatologiczne Jasińscy employs the best dentists, who have modern equipment at their disposal. Their experience in conservative dentistry may save you a lot of discomfort in the future. If you want to make sure that your teeth are strong and healthy and that you care for them in the best possible way, book an appointment. We will carry out a full review, offer tailor-made hygienisation and, if necessary, prepare an individual treatment plan that will make you smile wider than ever before.

HCentrum Stomatologiczne Jasińscy

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